From bib 67, Ed finished 19th ! Yes, 19th
He had bib 67 – skied magnificently in the first run and finished 18th of that run !!!!!
Started 13th in the second run (top 30 in reverse order), got the 16th best time in the second run and finished 19th.
A great result, but one that we have been waiting for.
RUN 1 From bib 67 to 18th !! Listen to the commentator at the end !!
RUN 2 16th in the second run finishing 19th overall
Ed had bib 72 (seeded 72).  He finished 57th.  Far from a fantastic result, but an experience to build on.
He got down in the first run, but his skis weren’t reacting the way they usually do.  For those of you that managed to watch the video, that’s why he was looking so frustrated on arrival.  After inspection of the bases, there was a “ledge” on the edges.  His fault.  It wouldn’t have made all that difference, but might have made a little.  Needless to say he rectified this for the second run.
Did his best in the second run and finished 57th.  Not the result he was expecting.
This didn’t go as planned !  GB were eliminated by Switzerland in the first run.
Slalom race
The disappointing Super G result, 48th, obviously put an end to any hope for a great result in this race.
However, Ed did a solid run coming 27th in the slalom and giving him an overall place of 28th. Excellent given his starting bib
Bib 33 and hoping to do well.
What a disappointment.  One of those results that cannot be explained and which make it very difficult to digest.  Ed came 48th, 3.26 secs off the lead.  No mistakes, skied well and had no idea when he arrived at the bottom that he hadn’t done well.  Perhaps a wax problem ?
One to put down to experience.
Bib 39.  Finished 37.
As usual, there is a story behind the result …….
The first 20 bibs were in the sun/good light and, after the overnight snow, the piste was holding up pretty well.  Then conditions deteriorated : the race was interrupted for ages after bib 27 because a huge hole had appeared which they filled with fresh snow and then watered hoping it was going to ice over.
Then, just after the race re-started, the sun went behind the clouds and the light became “white”.
Ed started 39th, pretty confident in his capacity.  And then realised a) he couldn’t see the lay of the land and b) that the ground was so bumpy that he was bumping up and down so much that he nearly lost his goggles !
He skied well (according to his coach).  He was petrified.  He told me that when he arrived at the bottom he was shaking so much that  it took him 5 minutes before he was able to talk !!!
His time looks disappointing … he wanted to be about 2.5 secs off the lead and ended up 5.08 secs off.  This, also, can be explained.  As mentioned earlier, the race was effectually “over” after bib 20 due to the weather and piste conditions changing dramatically.  A good indication of this is the excellent Austrian Lukas Furstein, (one of the Austrian World Cup giant slalomers who doesn’t usually do DH), who, in the training started 65th (because he has no DH points) and finished 4th only 0.31 secs off the win.  In the actual race he started 56th and finished a brilliant 11th but 2.16 off the lead.  So we can deduct that the conditions caused about a 2 second difference.
Ed’s aim in this race was to be in the top 40, 2.5 secs off.
He finished 37th, 5.08 secs off, but had the conditions been “fair” (which they weren’t yesterday, but that’s Alpine skiing for you) he would have been 3 secs off at the most.
However, not sure he will be doing anymore downhill races !
Bib 37.  Finished 51st !
DAY 1 
Cancelled due to rain.